Thursday, April 12, 2012

Legal form for divorce in California

Divorce in California is based on several laws laid down by the jurisdiction. Only those married couples who meet California residency requirements are eligible for filing a divorce in California. According to this the law requires at the least any one of the partners to be a resident of California for not less than six months or more. If these requirements are met, there are different options for filing a Divorce case on the basis of the duration of the marriage and on the basis of circumstances that led to such a decision. Once the dissolution for marriage is filed by one of the partner, a notice is given by the court to the other partner to file a response in the court. On account of non- response to the notice, a default judgment is given to the other party and he/she wins the case. Taking in to consideration how well the partners agree to aspects like marital property, maintenance and custody of children, and if the partners mutually consent to the divorce petition, the court can sanction divorce uncontested by either of the partners. Grounds for divorce California offers one and only one reason for divorce. Divorce cab be granted to married couples only on the account of irrevocable differences between the partners which has no remedy what so ever. In California the court will not grant divorce to couple for disintegration of their marriage alleging that one of the spouses was at fault. Even adultery and physical mental abuse upon the other are not considered valid reasons for obtaining a divorce. Divorce options In California, partners who want their marital relation dissolved can go for any option like legal separation, annulment, dissolution and summary dissolution etc. Summary dissolution is the best option for married couples who are married for less than five years and having no children and possess meager property. It is very easy court procedure and trial is finished quite fast. A marriage is considered invalid if its is bigamous or incestuous, or if one the partner seeking divorce was a minor at the time of marriage or in case one of the spouse is in physically or mentally unfit condition. In such circumstances a California married couple can go rofr annulment of the marriage. If the married couple who have not decided whether to get divorced but simply want live separately, they can opt for a legal separation. James is an expert in writing about legal forms and documents that may help you when your in the search of the right legal document. He writes many articles about forms ranging from, power of attorney forms, landlord tenant forms, and almost any legal form that your searching for.

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