Monday, April 16, 2012

Your Questions About Sex In Marriage And The Catholic Church

Sandy asks…

Do they advise against this? Will they go over this in Pre-Cana?

And do they only believe in sex for pro-creation?

+ is the Catholic church against the use of condoms in marriage? Yes

+ Do they advise against this? Yes.

+ Will they go over this in Pre-Cana? Yes.

+ And do they only believe in sex for pro-creation? No. Couples may have sexual whenever they want, whether or not the woman is fertile.

The Catholic Church believes that God allows natural forms of birth control.

In his Angelus address on July 17, 1994, Pope John Paul II restated the Church’s position:

“Unfortunately, Catholic thought is often misunderstood … As if the Church supported an ideology of fertility at all costs, urging married couples to procreate indiscriminately and without thought for the future. But one need only study the pronouncements of the Magisterium to know that this is not so.

Truly, in begetting life the spouses fulfill one of the highest dimensions of their calling: they are God’s co-workers. Precisely for this reason they must have an extremely responsible attitude. In deciding whether or not to have a child, they must not be motivated by selfishness or carelessness, but by a prudent, conscious generosity that weighs the possibilities and circumstances, and especially gives priority to the welfare of the unborn child.

Therefore, when there is a reason not to procreate, this choice is permissible and may even be necessary. However, there remains the duty of carrying it out with criteria and methods that respect the total truth of the marital act in its unitive and procreative dimension, as wisely regulated by nature itself in its biological rhythms. One can comply with them and use them to advantage, but they cannot be “violated” by artificial interference.”

Judeo-Christian tradition has taught for thousands of years:
1. Single people should be celibate.
2. Married people should be faithful to each other (adultery is wrong).
3. Married couples should welcome God’s gift of children and, therefore, artificial birth control is against the will of God.

Here is the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s website on Natural Family Planning:

With love in Christ.

View the original article here

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